Carbon Capturing  Technology

Welcome to the “MILKTRUCK” concept

Limelight CCS is developing the MILKTRUCK concept, which combines CCS technology, with a CCS infrastructure


The term CCS covers in broad the technology of Carbon Capture and Storage i.e. the field of technology includes the capturing technology and storage technology. For many, “storage” in this case means geological storage. The term CCU covers more or less the same, however this term was invented to emphasise that the CO2 that is captured, can also be stored (or Utilized) in chemicals, fuels, building materials etc. Finally, the term CCUS was invented to please everyone. At Limelight CCS we in addition, also work with CO2 Logistics – so we were considering naming our company Limelight CCLUS, however for simplicity, and to avoid a Scrabble contest, we decided to use the original term (CCS) in our company name, even though we work both with CC, L, U and S.


We provide consultancy and support for your CCS/CCUS project. Both technical and project management support. Additionally we provide feasibility studies for evaluating the potential of CCS in your specific case.

“CO2 filters” and technology for carbon capturing

We are developing CO2 filters and technology specifically targeted small to medium emitters

CCS Engineering Solutions

We can support you CCS project by providing full scope or part scope delivery of your CCS setup

Email Address

Office Address

Limelight CCS ApS

Ferskvandscentrets Erhvervspark
Vejlsøvej 51, 8600 Silkeborg